Our first tournament – finally officially announced

We finally have a date set!

Free entry tournament

September 1st, 2018 starting at noon Central time

Game will still be brawlhalla.  It’s free-to-play with limited champs and you can unlock some reasonably fast….or it’s just $20 if you want to unlock all of them.

Exact tournament rules will be announced closer to the event.

As an incentive, if you sign up by August 18th and attend the tournament, you will receive 500 points in our shop!

Prizes for this are still being figured out, but will likely be in the form of points plus 80% any donated amount when users purchased their event tickets. (not required, obviously)

This isn’t meant to be a big thing.  There will be groups invited outside of Obtenebration but the biggest thing we’re testing here is feasibility, interest, and set up.  The biggest thing you should take away from this is that you are showing interest and providing feedback on how we would operate future tournaments…..oh and bragging rights if you win!

So go ahead and grab your entry here! And we’ll see you on the first!

Oh and you can download brawlhalla on steam here

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Written by PyroTech03
Owner/Admin for Obtenebration Network. Content creator for twitch. Enjoy's writing about games, playing games, getting to know new people and debating game theory.
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