Banner Ad Pricing

Inline Ad Pricing

Type# AvailablePricing
Inline Banner Ad30 slot(s)5.00 USD
for 50 impressions
10.00 USD
for 150 impressions
25.00 USD
for 400 impressions

Paid Review Pricing

Type# AvailablePricing
Written by you2 every 1 days15.00 USD
Written by us2 every 1 days50.00 USD

Custom Item Pricing

Item# AvailablePricing
"From Shadows" Podcast Episode SponsorshipUnlimited10.00 USD
for 1 days
Details: Sponsor an episode of the "From Shadows" podcast! With a mention/ad spot at the beginning and at the end lasting of at least 30 seconds each. Podcast episodes are generally 45 - 60 minutes. You may designate specifically what to promote or discuss.
Obtenebration Network Stream Sponsorship525.00 USD
for 1 days
Details: Sponsor a live stream on the Obtenebration Network! This will include multiple ad spots, nature of which will be discussed but can include but not limited to: video or audio assets provided by you, artwork generated by you, or artwork/audio/video assets provided by us for an additional fee.
Sponsor content on our Creator Program Network550.00 USD
for 1 days
Details: Sponsor content on our Creator Program Network! This will include multiple creators across Recorded Video, Live Streams, and various other forms of content. Details to be discussed upon order.

Purchasing Guidelines

Ad purchases are final. No work on an ad will occur until payment completion. Refunds will only be issued if we can not uphold the terms or expectations of your ad. Any questions may be asked ahead of purchasing an ad.